Lake Rules
The Association has established the following rules in order to maintain the beauty of the lake and Association properties and to ensure the safety of its members and guests.
No gas-powered vehicles are allowed in the lake except under the following conditions:
Public safety vehicles responding to emergencies or performing training exercises;
Contractors performing legitimate association sanctioned lake maintenance.
No anchored floats allowed on the lake.
No hunting within association limits.
No pets allowed roaming at large. Please clean up after your pets.
No rubbish or debris of any kind is to be thrown into the lake. This is strictly forbidden
No adding any sand beyond water’s edge. (Sand from other sources may contain pollutants that can affect the ecology of the lake.)
No storage of any personal property allowed on Association property.
DO NOT feed the waterfowl; this includes but is not limited to the geese and ducks.
PARKING on lower Cottage Beach (Sandy Beach) is limited to marked areas. Note: The town owns (right of way) approximately 6 feet from both sides of Cottage Road, parking on the beach lot is allowed within this area next to the road. (See signs on beach)
The lake is lowered each fall to allow property owners to remove debris and leaves from the lake bottom and make repairs to beaches and retaining walls, etc.
Any trees that have fallen into the lake are the responsibility of the homeowner and shall be removed.
Please obey posted speed laws (25 MPH) as our roads are extremely narrow and hazardous under the best driving conditions.
Please refer to the lake Charter, By-Laws and Welcome Book for more information.